It is not a surprising fact to most Americans that the drug crisis in the country is at an all-time high. While America has had other widely known time periods of a drug crisis such as the one in the 1960’s and 1970’s, today is different. While there has been a rise of excellent quality drug rehab facilities, the need for long term awareness of drug addiction as a disease and … [Read more...]
When is Your Fertile Window?
Getting pregnant isn’t always easy – and it doesn’t need a health condition interfering with your fertility to make it challenging. Your chance to conceive each month is tightly constrained, and if you’re not able to try to get pregnant during this time, you won’t be successful. Not knowing what your fertile window is, let alone when it is puts you at a disadvantage that you … [Read more...]
3 Health Tips for People Who Hate Working Out
The typical exercise routine isn’t for everyone. After all, if working out were easy, everyone would do it and millions of Americans wouldn’t currently struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sadly, many individuals feel discouraged if they fail to adhere to a fitness routine they find online, or if they can’t keep up with a regimen a friend suggested. The truth is though, … [Read more...]
Things To Know About Breast Biopsy Procedure
Source The breast biopsy procedure is done to remove a small breast tissue sample that will be used in laboratory testing. Doctors do this in order to evaluate a suspicious breast area with the purpose of determining if it is breast cancer or not. Various biopsy procedures are possible. Doctors utilize the collected samples in order to diagnose cell abnormalities, some … [Read more...]
Medical Marijuana and Its Effect on Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a long standing issue for numerous patients throughout the US. However, for years, medical marijuana has been provided to these patients to help them clear the glaucoma and work on reducing the amount of pain that they might feel due to the disease. It has shown to help these patients thrive when taken as prescribed. However, it is not thought of as a cure for this … [Read more...]