In the recent past, vaporising or vaping of cannabis has increased in popularity just like the e-cigarettes. It’s an indication that most people have realised the dangers of smoking, and, therefore, the shift towards introducing weed into their systems through vaping.
But what’s the difference between smoking and vaping weed? Well, before we look into the comparison between vaping and smoking weed, let’s first define vaping.
What is Vaping?
Simply put, vaping is the heating of cannabis without burning. Vaping is the process of extracting the active ingredients of cannabis using a vaporiser device. In most common uses, the vaporiser releases the ingredients into the air in a fine mist. No combustion takes place, and, therefore, no smoke released. Vaporisers come in a wide range of sizes, from desktop to portable flower vaporisers.
Vaping Weed vs Smoking Weed – Is Vaping Safer?
Now that everyone is turning to vaping, you may want to know whether it’s safer compared to smoking. The majority of cannabis users find it less harmful than smoking. And on top of that, they perceive it to have certain health benefits since vaporisers allow the user to inhale the plant’s active ingredients free from the harmful smoke toxins that emanate from burning.
Additionally, research findings have revealed that vaporising releases fewer carcinogenic compounds than smoking. While cannabis smoking is less toxic than cigarette smoking, inhaling any combustion products is still harmful. Smoke contains gases and particles that can irritate the lungs and result in more serious respiratory problems.
Therefore, if you’re out to reduce the number of toxins that get into your system, vaping cannabis is preferable.
Benefits of Vaping
Apart from cutting the number of toxins downloaded into your system, vaping cannabis offers several advantages. Compared to smoking, vaping produces a milder scent, which makes it friendlier when used where there are people who don’t use the product. Even then, keep in mind that vaping an herb like cannabis will still produce a noticeable amount of smell, though not as much as smoking.
As such, it’s advisable to do it in the open air, as the scent quickly fades away. If you must do it in a room, don’t close the windows. With the windows open, the smell will be in the place only for a short time. That makes it easier for you to use the cannabis in a shared room when the other roommates are out even for only a couple of hours.
Also, many people detest smoking because of possible coughing. Although it’s said to be a problem of the newbies, those who’d like to try out weed for the first time often opt for the vaporiser instead of smoke.
Finally, smoke contains fewer cannabinoids, as the high heat destroys most of it. On the other hand, the vapour is almost purely cannabinoids, and, therefore, produces higher levels of highs compared to smoke.
Weighing the pros and cons, vaping carries the day, as it offers more advantages than smoking. And that explains why when you consider vaping weed vs smoking weed, you get to realise that more and more people are choosing vaping.
But even then, it boils down to one’s preference.
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