Today it is estimated that over a quarter of all Americans suffer from some sort of chronic pain, half of which have arthritis. If you’ve been suffering from arthritis for many years now, you’re probably wondering if there is some way that you can manage the pain you feel from it without having to take pills. While it is true that over-the-counter prescription medications … [Read more...]
What To Know About High-Functioning Depression
When we hear about people who suffer from depression, more often than not they have major depression, which is clinically different and requires a different depression treatment program than other types of mood disorders. What we don’t frequently hear about is high-functioning or functional depression that is a very real disorder, yet it can go undiagnosed, or people think … [Read more...]
No Matter Your Skin Type, Try A Quality Cleansing Oil
‘Hmm’, you might say – ‘it seems a little odd to cleanse my face with oil, given that oiliness is one of those things I’m trying actively to avoid’. After all, it’s ingrained within us to associate oiliness with dirtiness (think a sopping bag of cheeseburgers) but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Our skin naturally secretes an oil called sebum that lubricates and … [Read more...]
How to deal with substance addiction
Source Addiction is not an easy thing to face. However, it must be done if recovery is a goal you'd like to accomplish. You have to accept that you have a problem before you can truly receive help. Denial only blocks your ability to recover. The road to sobriety may be difficult. However, the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. Facing the Man or Woman in the … [Read more...]
Why Reintegration Can Be Hard for Veterans
Source People who serve in the military often find it very difficult to reintegrate into society. Organizations such as Meredith Iler’s Helping a Hero try to provide veterans with help to improve this, but there is only so much they can do. One of the key reasons for this is because veterans fear the bureaucratic headaches they will inevitably face. Do People Care about … [Read more...]