Though you may pretend you’re cool and collected when it comes to your finances, all it takes is one unexpected bill to expose your gooey inner center, excitable and nervous. If you expect to keep your composure the next time you face a financial emergency, you need to work on your plan of attack. Use these tips to help create one that works with your financial situation, and … [Read more...]
How Installing A Backwater Valve Can Save You Money
No one wants sewage coming back up through the drains, and flooded basements can cost you almost a fortune. Here in the Greater Toronto Area, thousands of homes are destroyed by wastewater backup through drains, due to storms causing devastating flooding in the areas. By hiring a plumber in the GTA, you can help prevent flooding due to wastewater backup. Prevention can save … [Read more...]
What Are Some Resume Tips for a Potential Finance-Directed Career?
Even with finance jobs in high demand, sometimes it can be difficult to get your resume seen by hiring staff. This is because many employers use an electronic gatekeeper called an applicant tracking system (ATS) to scan submitted resumes and weed out candidates that don't fit the position. The ATS is a valuable time-saving tool for the human resources department, but like all … [Read more...]
Go Long On Silver And See Big Gains
Where are silver prices headed? Silver is in a very unique situation right now, one that hasn’t commonly been seen with the precious metal commodity. Silver prices have entered into a very narrow range, baffling investors who depend on major shifts both up and down to make money. It’s been good news for silver bullion investors who are trying to increase their position ahead of … [Read more...]
5 Reasons to Stop Procrastinating Move to a New State
Have you been wanting to move states for ages but keep putting it on the back burner? Here are some reasons to move so you can stop procrastinating and finally make a dramatic change in your life. The simple fact of the matter is you're only getting older. Every day. We all have our regrets from the past and worries about the future, but we have to learn to let them go. … [Read more...]