The world of marketing has drastically changed since the dawn of the internet and digital marketing is one of the hottest industries around. With so much exposure available to us through digital means, we have seen an emergence of a wide variety of tactics and methods which digital marketing companies like implement, in order to help its clients grow their business and their brand.
One such method of marketing which has always brought great results is SEO or search engine optimisation. This method is about manipulating the search engine so that you can meet the necessary requirements to push your company website up the search rankings, for organic leads. Each year that passes, we see a flurry of articles and comments saying that SEO is dead, and 2018 is no different. The truth about SEO however, is that it is still love and kicking, and most definitely worth your investment.
Return On Investment
Any business looking to invest in a marketing strategy must always consider the return on investment for each approach, and feel confident that they will see results. Search engine optimisation, in spite of what its critics may say, actually provides one of the best ROIs, of all marketing strategies. What is most interesting about SEO is that whilst we can see its success based on the metrics that we have, not all metrics can be measured in terms of the impressions which SEO makes. This can only lead us to draw the conclusion that SEO offers even better returns than we thought.
Lively Competition
At its most micro level, SEO serves you and your company very well in terms of your competition. If you have competitors that have invested in SEO, then you will be a step behind if you haven’t, equally if they haven’t and you have, you can look forward to picking up a big chunk of market share. At the very least you must keep up with your competitors and this marketing method is one of the best ways of doing so.
Tapping Into Mobile
Search engine optimisation has always been a fluid strategy that has changed in line with the various algorithmic changes imposed by the search engines. These changes most recently have seen digital marketing companies look for the best way to unlock the SEO techniques that can be used in terms of mobile devices. More traffic came from mobile bandwidth than traditional desktops in 2017 which means that this new market is the perfect place for you to invest in some solid SEO strategies.
Part of the Conversation
At the very least, SEO keeps you relevant and it ensures that your company and its website, remains part of the internet community and part of the conversation. SEO is far from dead, it may be changing, but it is not dead and if you want to keep pushing your company towards further success, this is a marketing method which you must seriously think about investing in.
[…] right away. Instead, it may prove more cost-efficient to adopt other marketing techniques like SEO or social-media […]