The dating game is often more of a war of attrition, a tactical mixture of chess and battle ships that is often far harder than it ought be. The amount of considerations both pre date and mid date can confuse even the elite of the human species and this can lead twosome disastrous decisions. Hopefully these top 5 no no’s can help you avoid falling into one of the many traps that lay before you.
Leave the Swag at Home
Believe it or not money is rarely a turn on, especially on a first date, neither sex are there to listen to the other talk about their abundance or lack of cash. I don’t doubt that money can afford nice gifts and surprises in the future but you are there to show your personality and not the size of your bank balance, don’t be a fool and rely on your riches or poverty to woo your date.
Ex Factor
It is almost unavoidable to mention an ex if they have a prominent place in your history but if you are forced to mention it, it is imperative you mention as few details as possible. The human brain is a curious one and names, ages, physical descriptions will only lead your dates mind creating a picture of the person you used to share your life with. Gloss over the past if it involves an ex and leave some mystery. Nobody wants to envisage your amazing travels around the world with your ex, nobody.
Bones of Contention
It’s important you find things that you have in common on your date, not things that you can find to argue or debate about. Religion, politics and human rights need to take a back seat for now, that stuff can be discussed later. Remember to keep the conversation light and friendly and seek out things to agree upon. If your date brings up such subjects the responsibility is on you to crack a joke and move on, give a compliment, that should smooth over the potential cracks for now.
So, Time For Sex
Sex on the first date isn’t exactly a no no, if it happens naturally, and without alcohol, then great but do not… I repeat DO NOT come on to your date heavily. Doing this will simply let your date know where your priorities lie and give them a bad impression of you. Moreover it is the anticipation of that first night that can prove to be the biggest turn on, remember that mystery is everything, keep your date guessing and that will lead them to enquire more about you and not your genitalia.
Mad World
Dates are supposed to be fun and an opportunity to put your personality in the shop window so leave the pessimism at home. Nobody wants to go out with someone that hates life and their very existence, in fact most people don’t even want to be friends with such people. If that is your natural mood then buck your ideas up! You are on a date with an attractive guy/girl and discovering the character of a new person, put a smile on and show your date that life is wonderful. If it is your date who has this type of attitude then feign illness or cut and run out of the bathroom window, it will never end well anyway.
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