Shooting outdoors can be a tricky proposition, with so many variables to deal with, but it can produce some of the most interesting images. Here are some tips to help you better how to shoot outdoors like Bruce Weber Photographer.
1) Learn to Work with the Sun and Shade
The most important consideration for shooting outdoors is the lighting. Whether you’re photographing people, landscapes, or anything else, your images will suffer if the light isn’t right.
Weber commonly shoots in open shade, and that’s often a good place to start when you’re learning how to shoot outdoors like Weber. Look for open shade, especially during “magic hour” or at other times when the sun is low in the sky. It creates lovely directional light that won’t cast harsh shadows on your subject’s face.
However, there are many conditions where it’s preferable to be in the sunshine rather than the shade. The best option is to use both together; find a shady spot and wait for the sun to move around so that it casts a light on your subject from the desired angle.
2) Use Reflectors to Bounce the Light
It can be tough to get good exposures without harsh shadows when you’re shooting in direct sunlight. A reflector can help to bounce light onto your subject’s face, filling in the shadows and helping to create a more pleasing image.
Weber often uses reflectors to great effect, bouncing light off of the subject’s face and creating a more flattering portrait. You can buy reflectors or make your own from cardboard or foam core materials.
3) Use Diffusers to Soften the Light
Another tool for shooting in complicated lighting is a diffuser. This is something like a big scrim that you place over your subject to soften the light, creating more beautiful and flattering results.
This can be especially helpful when photographing at high noon; sunlight coming straight down from above is often very harsh and creates deep shadows under the eyes and nose. A diffuser will help to diffuse the light and create a more even exposure.
4) Use Fill Flash to Balance the Light
It can be tough to get the exposure right when you’re shooting in mixed lighting. One way to solve this is to use fill flash, which is simply using your camera’s flash to fill in the shadows.
This is a technique that Weber often uses, especially when photographing people. By using fill flash, he can balance the light and avoid harsh shadows on the face. It’s a great way to fix tricky lighting situations and create more balanced images.
5) Use Props to Create Interest
One of the things that makes Weber’s photos so interesting is the use of props. He often uses things like plants, bottles, or other items to create an even more dynamic image.
Using props can be a great way to liven up your photos and create something unique. However, you have to choose your props carefully, using appropriate ones for the situation at hand.
For example, if you’re photographing a t-shirt, then using a plant to prop it up might make for an interesting shot. If you were photographing food, though, that same plant would look weird and out of place.