Bharat Bhise – What You Can Do Right Now To Prevent Climate Change
Climate change is something which my buddy Bharat Bhise has been talking to me about for many years now and I must confess that for a long time I really didn’t listen much. In the last couple of years however I have been much better educated on this topic and having spent many hours chatting with Bharat about it, I knew that it was time that I began to change the way in which I live, in order to help reduce the effects of this great danger to our planet. Bharat was incredibly helpful with this and with that help I have made some very positive changes which I know will help. If you want to do your bit in reducing climate change impacts, here are the tips which I have learned from Bharat.
Reduction in Meat Consumption
I am in the process of going vegan and I started by reducing my meat intake, before switching to pescatarian, and I hope to go vegan like Bharat by the end of this year. The meat industry is a huge threat to our environment simply because of the amount of water and feed which these animals need, not to mention the noxious gases which are released by animal waste products. When you saw the Amazon burning recently, that was intentional in order to make space for crops which will feed animals, in exchange we have lost trees which produce oxygen and rid us of carbon dioxide. Reducing your meat consumption or getting rid of entirely can greatly help.
Waste such as plastic, electronics and cardboard can all be recycled to turn these waste products into something of use. If we fail to recycle these products then as they decompose they release huge amounts of toxic gas into the atmosphere, damaging the O-zone layer. This is why it is absolutely essential that we are all committed to recycling our waste, using local centers and even some businesses with creative ideas, to get rid of waste responsibly.
Energy Usage
Using less energy in the home can not only help you to save money but it will also positively contribute towards the environment. Using less heating, air con, electricity and gas in the home ensures that our infrastructure can run more efficiently, that we are not taking as many resources out of the planet, and that we can also save money as well.
Cycling and Walking
The fumes pumped out by cars and vehicles is causing untold damage to the atmosphere which is why we should aim to walk and cycle wherever it is possible. If you aren’t able to do this when heading somewhere then aim to use public transport or car pooling, which maximizes how many people can travel on a single vehicle, rather than adding more vehicles to the road, pumping out more dangerous chemicals.
Small changes but ones which will significantly reduce the impact which we are having.
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