Creased Lightning
Men and ironing boards have an extremely strained relationship, the ironing board is ever reliable and is always waiting for the guy, unfortunately he has other ideas and thinks that he’s too cool for it. The sad fact of the matter is that men who think this, look stupid, creased shirts and t-shirts do not look good in any situation, with the minor exception of being aboard a pirate ship. Unless you plan on sailing the seven seas and looting treasure then guys, I suggest you reintroduce yourself to the iron board.
What Stain?
An occurrence that exists more often with men than women is ignoring stains in your clothes. I don’t tar all men with this stained brush but there are hundreds of thousands of guys out there who think that a lick of the finger and a quick rub will eradicate the ketchup stain staring everyone in the face, it doesn’t. If anything the lick and rub procedure more often than not simply spreads it and discolours it which makes the stain around 18.6 times worse. Seriously guys if you spot a stain, just don’t wear it.
Sports Gear
Sports clothing has branched out into the fashion world in recent years and left men the world over confused, in the past it was clear, sports goods when doing sport and that was it. Nowadays I see men in nightclubs and bars wearing top to toe Nike tracksuits and frankly speaking, it looks crap. If you are sure at all whether to wear your Yankees baseball top to a club or restaurant you have 2 choices, either Google it for clarity or ‘Just DON’T Do It.’
Size DOES Matter
Generally speaking women prefer clothes shopping more than guys do, an alien could probably guess this judging by the incredible size mistakes that guys make. When men lose or gain weight their wardrobe is the last thing that is affected which leads to some awfully tight and not very flattering t shirts and shirts or on the flipside, guys wearing mini tents in their new bods. You’d think that when a man lost weight they’d want to flaunt their new physiques or that if they gained, they’d want it hidden but time and again men would clearly rather look ridiculous than go shopping.
The Oldest Trick In The Foot
Despite becoming a joke the world over it seems that men of a certain age simply cannot resist the urge to wear socks and sandals at the same time. What possesses them to do this is utterly beyond me, even if you are the unconscientious type and couldn’t give two hoots about fashion, it isn’t even comfortable! The results of looking ridiculous and getting home with sweaty, hot stinking feet should surely be enough cause not to take part in this fashion crime but alas it seems we have all been wasting our breaths for far too long.
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