Millions of people struggle with their weight every day. In the United States alone, it’s estimated that over half of the adult population is overweight, with a substantial portion of that number falling within the range of “obese” BMIs. Consequently, much of the Western world is facing an obesity epidemic. However, even if you’re not obese, you may want to lose a few pounds … [Read more...]
5 Tips For Maintaining Weight Loss After You Lose
Maintaining weight loss can be one of the hardest parts about being healthy. Check out these 5 tips to help you lose and maintain that weight loss now! Losing weight is hard. Anyone who's ever done it knows this but keeping weight off requires a new type of dedication and perseverance. The good news? According to research from the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), … [Read more...]
3 Best Diet For Weight Loss and Health
Different weight loss diets has been trending the news headlines for some time now, and it is pretty clear that it is not going to stop any moment soon. There have been different “self-acclaimed” working diets with obviously paid reviews. However, we have selected three amazing diets that can give you your desired body shape #1. Ketogenic diet The ketogenic diet is one of the … [Read more...]